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Bộ sưu tập


Áo tắm - đồ ngủ


Phụ kiện thời trang


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Khuyến mại

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  Tin tức - Sự kiện

Hoạt động nổi bật

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Tin tức Quốc tế

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Đã có 347916
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New experiences for specialized production of Jeans. Khakis, pants with speed management of following up customer’s order keep us win the severe competition among garment business We are producing our customers orders with best spirits, skills, to make our customers to be satisfied with our products.

we are proud of ourselves that the main power that makes us reach one of the prominent companies and stand shoulder with other top classed competitors is all staffs and workers who have poured their patience, passion, and love into GARNET NAM DINH Co., Ltd.

With producing and providing a good quality product, we GARNET Nam Dinh, have good reputation from overseas clients such as QUIKSILVER, JANTZEN, PERRY ELLIS, EL CORTE INGLES, DEVRED, BURTON, FORMEN, Jones Apparel, Karl Schdat ,Sam Sung Bean Pole, Galaxy … etc.

We are always ready to serve you with best attention follow up as your partnership. As we been here in Vietnam over 12 years with know–hows of all kind of garment products, we are sure that we are the one of the best partner who can manage all the possible risks as well as provide you with best products.

Garment production in Vietnam , the choice of Garnet Nam Dinh will make you to be pleased with communication, understanding, finally qualities and deliveries.

  Sản phẩm mới

Áo vest dài

Áo vest dài

Áo sơ mi cao cổ

Áo sơ mi cao cổ

Áo sơmi đầm

Áo sơmi

Sành điệu với áo len dài

Váy xoè duyên dáng

Váy xoè duyên dáng

Áo không tay cho hè mát hơn

  Quảng cáo



Địa chỉ : Lô C6-5, C5-6, Khu Công nghiệp Hòa Xá, Nam Định

Tel :(84 350) 844 663~4   *    Fax: (84 350) 844 665   *    Mobile: (84) 95 337 2425

Email: garnet@hn.vnn.vn * Website: http://www.garnetnamdinh.com

Thiết kế website NTSS Co.,Ltd 2011